fashion designer Sofia Arana wearing a crop top at the Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse

About Me

My name is Sofía Arana and I am a fashion designer and creative from Puerto Rico, living in New York City. I have over 10 years of experience in design, patternmaking and garment construction and my designs have been sold in specialty boutiques around Puerto Rico and the US, which gave me a solid foundation in business and wholesale. I have shown my collections in events such as the Nolcha Shows during New York Fashion Week and Puerto Rico High Fashion Week and my work has been featured in publications like NBC and Latina Magazine.

A few years ago I experienced a severe burnout which led me to take a hiatus from my career as a designer. I learned the hard way that sleep, nutrition and exercise are basic needs that need to be fulfilled properly in order for everything else to work out.  

Today I know that my health is the single most important thing that I have. Staying active, quieting my mind and fueling my body have become an important part of my everyday.

Living a healthy lifestyle gives me the energy and the mental clarity that I need to pursue all my creative endeavors and I want to share all of that with you: my work, my creative process and other parts of my personal life that have helped me become a happier, healthier version of myself.

We were never designed for the sedentary, indoor, sleep deprived, socially-isolated, fast-food-laden, frenetic pace of modern life”
— Stephen Ilardi